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The current version of the Data Ark's basic code is dated 2024-06-11 - changes occur during ongoing operations and are added, changed or removed → Kodex in Deutsch


The Data Ark is a non-profit information service that was designed and constructed on simple intelligence and encyclopedic principles to connect main, secondary and peripheral knowledge, to convert emotional classifications between explainable and inexplicable processes into factual ones and to archive them. The Data Ark is a searchable & networked archive whose media is also backed up offline. MILLENNIUM ARTS 種 News and the currently only department - 種 - are a sub-area of ​​Westgård.

Control and selection of content

All content can be found either via the category menu or via the tag bar or tag cloud. The entire portal, including the data ark, functions as a database in which everything is connected to everything. It is therefore possible to move from content to content within the portal for days without menus.

The "endless menus" tag bars within each entry are made like a collection of switches and, depending on the display, also contain function switches or #SpecialTags in different colors.



--- Information is recorded in the following labels/tags, which function as so-called ArkTags or ArkTypes | ArchiveTypes. They are also main sortings, categories that represent something like a general sorting, a rough pre-sorting. In general, all categories of the data ark follow the abstraction principle. It is an attempt to classify content abstractly without the influence of "fashion" or "emotion" in order to form archival foundations.

When reporting on new publications of the data ark, for example in the Telegram channel or in the social networks, you always see an ArcheTag in front of it. For example, #Dokumentar. An ArcheTag indicates in an abstract way what the information itself is about, "inaccurately" but "generally".

ArcheTags live in the data ark

#Documentary (#Dokumentar)

open → Information with an archival or encyclopedic character, which has a narrative, listing character in its presentation and execution and informs about episodes of a whole that are not yet completed or have been completed. As a rule, these are "ongoing documentations".

#Recommendation (#Empfehlung)

open → Information that an aggregator recommends separately according to its own decision. Rarely occurs.

#Investigation (#Ermittlung)

open → Information with an archival or encyclopedic character, which has a narrative, listing character in its presentation and execution and mostly provides information about episodes of a whole that have not yet been completed. As a rule, these are still ongoing “investigations” - hence the name.


open → Information that represents those asking and those answering, as well as the flow of information between them.

#Creation (#Kreation)

open → Works. Creative creations. Art.


open → The general tag, which is primarily intended to identify live streams or unedited live recordings or media.


open → Originals and source media such as ".pdf, "data archive", .csv, .mp3" etc. - Audiovisual media are generally not sorted here, as the data arche consists largely of audiovisual media.

#Special report (#Sondermeldung)

open → Originals and sources that an aggregator considers to be outstanding and special. The evaluation here, however, varies from aggregator to aggregator.


open → Status messages or administrative messages from the data ark

#Date (#Termin)

open → Time, place in space.


open → Test and | or demonstration of a thing or situation for demonstration purposes.


open → Instructions for the purpose of learning, understanding and/or training. The choice of the English term "Tutorial" as an ark tag is due to its worldwide use.


The Data Arche is equipped with another group of administrative tags - we call these special tags. These tags are sometimes used to control the form and appearance of entire ads in the Data Arche online portal. The focus is particularly on the ability to control ads in the Data Arche to create forms and processes that are particularly easy to associate.


open → A LIVE broadcast is currently taking place directly on our portal. This tag also appears as live.


open → Selection of the most important entries, quanta or series from the area CREATURAE. In the desktop version of the data arche, you can browse through this selection as a preview in the upper display box and then jump directly to the desired offer with a click.


open → Selection of the most important entries, quanta or series from the area DEUS EX MACHINA.


open → This is used to mark real live streams, which are usually uncut and at least 30-45 minutes long.


open → This is used to mark the most important entries in the data arche, which represent milestones that should be noted or contain basic information. In the desktop version of the data arche, you can browse through this selection as a preview in the upper showcase on the data arche homepage and then click to jump directly to the desired offer. These two tags can be quickly recognized by the fact that they flash.


A SERIES refers to related media or similar, usually by the same author, which are usually numbered consecutively. Either episodes or sequences are listed in a main entry with the name “… | SERIES” and collected within the data ark and, if necessary, provided again subdivided by year.


A QUANTUM refers to "collections of media by 1 or more authors on one and the same term or topic". These media are summarized in a main entry within the data ark, collected and, if necessary, provided again subdivided by year.

All main entries of the data ark in the form "" that do not end with "| SERIES" in the title | description are usually quanta. For optimization and abstraction reasons, we no longer write "| QUANTUM".